Sokongan Emosi

Sokongan Emosi – “Sebagai seorang kaunselor berdaftar, saya menawarkan khidmat kaunseling kepada individu, pasangan (berkahwin) dan klien berkumpulan, secara bersemuka dan on line. Isu-isu psikologi dan emosi yang ditangani seperti stres, trauma, kemurungan, masalah pemakanan, kematian, kehilangan dan ditinggalkan, perasaan malu, buli, penderaan fizikal dan seksual. Saya menggunakan pendekatan integratif humanistik bagi membantu pertumbuhan keyakinan diri klien dalam menjalani cabaran kehidupan seharian.”

Friday, 26 September 2014

My Emotional Support Blog

Provides in-person and on line counselling to individual, couple and group clients with psychological or emotional issues for example stress, trauma, depression, eating disorder, death, loss and bereavement, shame, bully, physical or sexual abuse. Using humanistic integrative approach to facilitate clients' self-growth in facing daily life issues.


  1. Good start and wish you all the success.

    1. Thank you my dearest friend. Only Allah able to repays all your helps and ideas in developing this MES/SES blog. Jazak Allahu Khayran (جزاك اللهُ خيرًا).

  2. Salam,

    Glad to know that there is such a service. How can a person use this service?

  3. Waalaikumsalam. Thank you Snz for your interest.
    There are 2 options for individuals:
    1. Face-to-face: to be conducted in counselling clinics
    2. On line: via Skype teleconferencing (to cater for outstation clients).
    Fees per hour: RM120 (face-to-face) and RM70 (on line) per session.
    Pre-session meeting: Free 15 minutes meeting.
    Appointment: Can be done via SMS or send email (refer details from the blog).
